See all my open source software in GitHub.
DLoopDetector: Fast loop detector for sequences of monocular images
DLoopDetector is an open source, OpenCV-based C++ library for detecting loops in monocular image sequences fast. It makes use of DBoW2, so it allows to use multiple kinds of image descriptors. This software was used in papers GalvezTRO12 and GalvezIROS11.
DBoW2: Enhanced hierarchical bag-of-word library for C++
DBoW2 is an open source, OpenCV-based C++ library for indexing and converting images into a bag-of-word representation. It also allows to search an image database for matches. This version allows to use multiple kinds of image descriptors, and implements a direct index to retrieve image features efficiently. This software was used in papers GalvezTRO12 and GalvezIROS11.
DBow: Hierarchical bag-of-word library for C++
DBow is an open source, OpenCV-compatible C++ library for indexing and converting images into a bag-of-word representation. It also allows to search an image database for matches.
DLib: C++ library with several utilities
DLib is a collection of several C++ classes to perform some regular tasks, such as managing directories, profiling code, showing images in GUI windows, etc, and other computer vision tasks.
Academic Figures: Readable and high contrast figures for publications
Academic Figures is a Matlab script that provides the command afigure that behaves as figure but creates a readable, color and high contrast figure to embed it in a text document.